My experience on a 3 day juice cleanse

On social media I kept coming across people going on juice cleanse diets.

I was interested to find out more so I got researching them, I soon discovered how many mixed opinions there are with the cleanse. I came across some of the benefits such as less bloating, clearer skin and more energy that it claims to give which got me even more interested. So the best way to see if it’s true is try it your self right?

I went online and found a local business called Juice to U, who create a 3 or 5 day juice cleanse that are prepared fresh daily using natural and hand picked ingredients!

The following Monday I took a trip to juice to u and picked up a 3 day cleanse.

What’s included?

You are given 12 juices, giving you 4 to drink each day (9am, 12pm,3pm and 6pm). Each one timed and designed to give you the nutrients you need for the cleanse. You’re also given a couple of lemons to use as in lemon water to boot up your metabolism, and a leaflet with all the information you need!

On Tuesday I began so at 9am I sipped my first juice, I was surprised by the taste as I was expecting it to taste awful but it was actually nice! I then drank the others at 12pm, 3pm and 6pm. I couldn’t believe that I enjoyed all the juices! I also got the blac juice with mine that is charcoal drink! (Definitely tastes better than it sounds!).

Over the 3 days I did have a headache now again but apart from that everything went fine! I was very hungry but that was expected!

Now I’ve finished the juice diet I carried on with a healthy balanced diet and it felt amazing to have solid food and my energy went through the roof, I went to the gym and I felt i had so much more energy and my performance was better!

Would I recommend?

A juice cleanse isn’t for everybody and may affect people differently but I would recommend trying it if it takes your interest! But I would definitely recommend juice to u as the service is so welcoming and the juices taste great! If a juice diet doesn’t suit you then still go down to the kitchen as they have some amazing fresh food from curry to noddles all served fresh daily!

Check Juice 2 U out here:

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